Technology: Activated carbon filter.
Design flowrate: 5000 m3/h
Technology: Two Packed bed scrubbers.
Design flow: 30000 m3/h
Technology: Packed bed scrubber.
Design flow: 7000 m3/h
Technology: Packed bed scrubber.
Design flow: 1500 m3/h
Technology: Packed bed scrubber.
Design basis: 20 kW electrical plant
Odor units and VOC analisis in emissions.
Odor units monitoring in the community.
Aermod software dispersion modelling.
Hourly – one year meteorological data
Kerns Guatemala WWTP
Cargill, Costa Rica
Coyol Free Zone Costa Rica
Metro Free Zone Costa Rica
Earth University Costa Rica
Cargill Nicaragua
Cargill Nicaragua
Gaia Consultores Ambientales Nicaragua
Olfatec provides design and consultancy services as well as odor control equipment such as air scrubbers, activated carbon systems and others to remove nuisance odors in our environment.